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We accept the following payment methods:

  • PayPal
  • Credit & Debit card 
  • Western Union
  • Bank Account 


If you have a PayPal account, you can use PayPal to pay for your purchase with us. Once you have created an order and proceeded to choose PayPal as a payment method, you will be asked to log in to your account with your email address (this is needed to send payment instructions and acknowledgements) and password to confirm the payment. PayPal never shares your financial information with us. You can sign up for a PayPal account at and it’s free.
To make PayPal payments for purchases made at

please send the payment to 

Credit & Debit card

Credit Card payment is possible for all clients. 


  • MasterCard®
  • Visa
  • JCB 
  • Union Pay
  • Diners

 Western Union

It’s a more secure way to make payment to us. You only need to go to a Western Union agent at your city and send the payment to the recipient below:

To make payment by Western Union  Please contact us at

You can find Western Union agent in your local post office or bank.

IMPORTANT! Make sure all the recipient payment details are 100% correct!  

Bank Account

As soon as you send us the money by bank transfer, you must send us your Reference Number / Transaction Number. You can send it to us by email. Details for making the payment by bank transfer:

Bank Name:      Erste&Steiermärkische Bank d.d,

Bank Address:  Jadranski trg 3a

                                        51000 Rijeka,


SWIFT Code:      ESBCHR22

Receiver Name:  PLUS 385 d.o.o. 

Receiver AddresMaksimilijana Vrhovca 18

                                        47000, Karlovac


IBAN Number:    HR0724020061100600993

  1. When transferring the money to our bank account, please tell your bank that you will PAY FOR ALL FOREIGN BANKS CHARGES. If you don’t do this and the bank charge fees are transfered to our account, we will not be receiving the full payment and will be unable to process your order.
  2. Always write PROFORMA INVOICE NUMBER/ORDER ID ON YOUR BANK DRAFT – this will help us to identify your payment. And ask for the transfer reference number from bank.
  3. Usually telegraphic transfer takes about 3-5 days to process before we receive the confirmation from our bankers.